You can play the song that's in your head
Written by Wilma Zalabak |
Hits: 3288
Please, for my learning, try to put beauty, as you see it, into words
Written by Wilma Zalabak |
Hits: 3111
For a child, it takes only a few days to train the fingers to curl at the keys
Written by Wilma Zalabak |
Hits: 3050
Say a reason you attend a concert, then say another
Written by Wilma Zalabak |
Hits: 2992
Make them happy fingers, full of life and energy
Written by Wilma Zalabak |
Hits: 3408
Practice today, it will make a difference
Written by Wilma Zalabak |
Hits: 3254
Do you have a tune in your mind right now?
Written by Wilma Zalabak |
Hits: 3124
Before sunrise today the robin sang, incessantly
Written by Wilma Zalabak |
Hits: 3093
Czerny, Mozart, and Bach for the fingers
Written by Wilma Zalabak |
Hits: 3166
Regular time of day and amount of time improves practice
Written by Wilma Zalabak |
Hits: 3028